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Bharati Krishna known as Venkatraman in his early days and he,

  • was an exceptionally brilliant student
  • invariably won the first place in all subjects and classes throughout his educational career
  • at the age of just twenty he passed M.A. Examination in further seven subjects simultaneously secured the highest honors in all, which is perhaps the all-time record of academic brilliance.
  • subjects included “Sanskrit, Philosophy, English, Mathematics, History and Science".

In 1908 he was made first Principal of the newly started National College at Rajmahendri, a post he held for three years.

Having a "burning desire for spiritual knowledge, practice and attainment" he then spent many years at the most advanced studies with the Shankaracharya at Sringeri in Mysore and was given the name Bharati Krishna Tirtha when he was initiated into the order of Samnyasa at Benares in 1919. He later, in 1925, became a Shankaracharya (the highest religious title in India). He also gave talks and mathematical demonstrations on television and gave some lectures in the UK on his way back to India, in May 1958.

Bharati Krishna wrote sixteen volumes on Vedic Mathematics, one on each Sutra, but the manuscripts were irretrievably lost. He said that he would rewrite them from memory but owing to ill-health and failing eyesight got no further than writing a book intended as an introduction to the sixteen volumes. That book "Vedic Mathematics", written with the aid of an amanuensis, is currently available and is the only surviving work on mathematics by this most remarkable man.

JagadguruShankaracharya (Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha) lived from 1884 to 1960. He is said to have reconstructed the ancient system of Vedic Mathematics from certain Sanskrit texts which other scholars had dismissed as nonsense. The Vedic system which he rediscovered is based on Sixteen Sutras which cover all branches of mathematics, pure and applied. The methods and the simple Sutras are extraordinarily simple and easy to apply, and the whole system possesses a unity not found in conventional mathematical methods. His remarkable discoveries in mathematics will in time change the teaching of and approach to mathematics worldwide.