17+ Years of Experience !

Why Choose Us

Why Brainex

Brainex Score Board : At Brainex, we strive to create an engaging and enjoyable learning environment for every child in every classroom. We employ various teaching methods and activities to involve each student, enabling the teacher to guide and inspire all students with ease. By utilizing a playful approach to learning and promoting healthy competition among students, we ensure that each student receives equal attention, leading to their overall development.

Cost Effective : Our fee structure is designed to provide quality education services, materials, and products at an affordable price. We continuously work to enhance our education quality, materials, and services while striving to keep our costs reasonable. If you have any queries, we encourage you to bring them to our attention so that we may resolve them amicably.

Progress Reports : Progress reports serve as a means of communication between parents and teachers, allowing them to exchange information about the child's abilities, learning progress at the centre and at home, and tips for further development. We suggest that parents book a progress report every 6-10 weeks, as this is the minimum time required to assess or reassess a child. We also recommend booking the initial report after 4-5 weekends of your child attending the centre. Our teachers are available at least 10 minutes before each lesson, and any child wishing to take advantage of this system need only arrive early.


Personalized Attention : At Brainex, we prioritize understanding each child's unique learning style and creating a comfortable, stimulating, and fun environment for them to learn in. We adapt our teaching methods to suit their pace and way of learning, gradually bringing them up to speed with the rest of the group. Our philosophy of "involve me and I learn" is reflected in our use of playful activities to stimulate the child's brain and improve their overall learning abilities.

Based on Research :Our programs are not only unique, but also research-based and backed by industry research. With a focus on the three R's of education - Arithmetic, Writing, and Reading - as well as overall personality development, our students consistently produce good results academically and socially. Our programs enhance their language, numerical, and soft skills, giving them a lifelong competitive edge. By improving abilities such as concentration, problem solving, and creativity, we boost our students' confidence, leading to improved academic performance, speed, and accuracy.

Proactive Teacher Feedback : At Brainex, we understand that parents may have busy schedules that make it challenging to keep track of their child's progress. To address this, we have a multi-faceted approach to keep parents informed. Parents can schedule appointments with the center at their convenience to check on their child's progress. Additionally, we regularly send out updates and feedback forms to allow parents to provide input on specific aspects of their child's learning. Our communication sheets with teacher comments keep everyone informed of any concerns or issues. With these various channels of communication, all those involved in the child's education can stay up to date on their progress, achievements, and any areas that need improvement.

Unique Programs and Study material : The Brainex programs, study material, and books are designed to be exclusive and customized. Our team of teachers, instructors, and trainers is the best in the industry. The enjoyable and challenging atmosphere at Brainex draws students to the program and provides them with an engaging learning experience.

Doubt sessions : We at Brainex understand that students are always full of curiosity and at times of new ideas. They need an open and different environment to ask about their doubts, queries, questions or suggestion. We understand that some children need more time than others to understand a concept or two. Sometime the problem is complex that it needs more time to be solved. With that in mind we hold open sessions where every student is encouraged to attend, ask about their queries and make new suggestions. This way the student doesn't feel shy or their self-esteem doesn't get lowered by asking questions and provide them encouragement to explore their new ideas and concepts."

Regular assessments : Regular assessments are an essential aspect of the learning process to measure students' comprehension, pace, and accuracy in a specific subject. Brainex conducts both formal and informal assessments regularly to keep track of the students' progress. Informal assessments include asking random questions, spending extra time, and observing students, which enable teachers to evaluate their development without causing discomfort. Formal assessments help students overcome their fear of real-life assessments and deal with anxiety and nervousness in a relaxed and informal setting. This prepares them for exams and competitions outside the program and helps teachers assess their overall progress to ensure their success.

Parent teacher Initiatives : At Brainex, we believe that parental involvement is essential to a child's growth and development. We encourage parents to meet with our center or course managers to discuss their child's strengths and how to best utilize them to aid in their learning journey. Our teachers communicate regularly with parents about their child's progress and provide feedback and helpful tips. Since children spend only a small portion of their time at the center, it is important for parents to pay attention to the teacher's observations and recommendations. A child's overall learning and development is the shared responsibility of parents and teachers, and simply sending them to a center is not enough. It is essential for parents to play an active role in their child's growth and learning.

Video Lectures : Brainex provides students with selected links to our video lectures, which they can watch online or offline at their convenience. These video lectures are meticulously recorded to explain a concept or cover an important topic, and they are an excellent resource that can be watched multiple times and used as a reference material. Additionally, we also recommend other carefully chosen topic/subject specific videos that can supplement students' knowledge in various subject areas.

School Curriculum-Based System : Our unique programs are indirectly linked to the school curriculum, with a focus on providing a joyful and memorable learning experience that develops a range of abilities beyond just theory and rote memorization. Our courses aim to improve skills like concentration, problem-solving, memory, concept formation, creativity, and the ability to create mental images and perform operations. Developing these skills boosts students' confidence, leading to improvement in academic performance, speed, and accuracy in all subjects, while also making the entire learning process a happy and fulfilling experience.